I've got my head but my head is unravelling, I've got my heart but my heart’s no good.

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013

And here we go again.

"-Suddenly there are days where I can't stop worrying, fidgeting, awkward, in place.
>>And then, there're those other days, where I just lay helplessly in his arms, dozed off, like his eyes contain tranquillizer, and the way he looks at me and holds me close make me feel truly loved... And his heartbeat lulls me to sleep and everything is fine... Everything's fine...
'Till he's gone.
And there we go again."

1 comentario:

Leila Carolina dijo...

Hola, recién veo tu comentario que me dejaste hace mucho tiempo, soy muy colgada jajjajaj
Seguramente no te acuerdes, yo soy la chica que se llama igual a vos "Leila Carolina" y que también ama a Avril jjajajj Que lindo saber que las leilas nos conectamos en algo jjajajajj Saludos!

TEATRAL (histrionico)NADA
TRAVIESO (anti-social)NADA
MANIATICO (obsesivo-compulsivo)MUCHO
SUMISO (dependiente)NADA
TÍMIDO (evitativo)NADA

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